All too often, employees will serve their companies faithfully for years only to be abandoned after a serious injury. South Carolina employers have insurance to cover work-related injuries, but the process of claiming and collecting workers’ compensation benefits is so confusing that many employers will greatly undercut the amount their employees receive for their injuries—or simply deny a worker’s rightful claim.
Under state law, all South Carolina employees who are injured while working have a right to recover benefits. If you or someone you love was injured on the job or has had a workers’ compensation claim denied, we can help. Call our Charleston workers' compensation law firm or fill out our easy online form to set up a free consultation with attorney Jared Williams.
Our Charleston Workers' Compensation Lawyer Can Explain The Process and Your Options
Employers are required to provide employees with certain injury payments after an accident at work. South Carolina workers’ compensation laws allow employees to collect one or more of the following types of benefits:
- Temporary Total Disability (TTD). Most accident victims will be unable to go back to work while they are recovering from an injury. To compensate employees for their lost wages, workers’ compensation provides temporary total disability, or TTD, at the rate of 66 2/3 percent of your average weekly wages. Your TTD benefits should continue until your doctor believes your condition is stable and you can return to work.
- Medical treatment through a work doctor. Workers are entitled to have all of their necessary medical care for their work injuries covered, including doctor’s appointments, surgery, rehabilitation, and prescription medications. However, employees may be required to go to a doctor that has been selected or approved by the employer. If you go to your own doctor for treatment, your employer may not pay for your medical care.
- Permanent Partial Disability (PPD). If you have suffered permanent impairment as a result of your work injury, your employer will have to pay an additional amount called permanent partial disability (PPD). Compensation for PPD is calculated by applying the severity of the disability (as a percentage) to 66 2/3 percent of your average weekly wages. For example, a shoulder injury that limits mobility in one arm may be rated at 20 percent, while a back injury that prevents a person from carrying heavy loads might be rated at 70 percent.
- Permanent Total Disability (PTD). In some cases, a worker may have suffered severe and completely disabling effects as a result of a work accident. Employees who have lost the use of both hands, both feet, both arms, both legs, or have become completely blind can qualify for permanent total disability, or PTD. Commonly, these payments are reserved for workers who have suffered brain damage, paralysis, amputation, or are permanently unable to fully recover from their injuries.
Unfortunately, the degree of your disability is determined by your doctor—the doctor that has been appointed by your employer—rather than your own estimation of your injury. This conflict of interest can force employees to return to work before they are ready, to receive less money in benefits, or even leave employment when they are no longer able to perform their jobs.
Schedule a Free Consultation With An Experienced Workers' Compensation Attorney in Charleston
At the Law Office of Jared C. Williams, LLC, it is our goal to inform employees of their rights so that they can collect the maximum amount of compensation for their injuries. We always meet injured workers for a free consultation, and our contingency-fee agreement guarantees that you will not owe us anything for our services unless we win your case. Fill out our quick contact form to set up your free consultation, or call the number on this page to have our attorney come to you.